Have you noticed a harder time with your front splits on one side? Or maybe it’s always been a struggle for you to get your turn-out on one side? No matter how much you stretch and strengthen, you will not achieve symmetry without compensation (which leads to injury). Here’s why … Our bodies are NOT symmetrical! Take a look at these images of different systems in our bodies. Notice how NONE of them are exactly the same on the left as the right. Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Website. Photo credit – Khan Viqar blogspot.com http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6/ , Jun 19, 2013. The diaphragm inserts, on average, 1 full spinal segment lower on the Right (L3) than on the left (L2). The Diaphragm - Actions - Innervation - TeachMeAnatomy The difference in the diaphragm dome height and attachment sites make every human better at inhaling into our left lungs...