I was eating breakfast at McDonald's with a former patient & MLB pitcher when I nailed down the name of my future business. He and I were attending an out-of-town wedding together & it was the only place for a quick, warm breakfast that morning. 🤫
I was excited to tell him about my decision to start my own practice - he had worked with me for quite a while after a surgery and we had gotten to know each other a bit as human beings over that time.
I had several business names I had been thinking of & asked his opinion over coffee that morning. I rattled a few off... but when I got to "PROSPER", he stopped me and said, "That's it! That is what you are really giving people... you do so much more than PT."
He got me. He got the verse I was pulling from. I strive to help the WHOLE person - physically, spiritually, mentally. He knew, because he went through the same journey many of my future clients would.
"PROSPER" is such an all-encompassing word.
It's not just about achieving financial success. To me, it means to live life to your fullest potential... to "thrive" and "flourish". THAT is want I want for everyone who sees me, in the office or virtually. It goes far beyond just living pain free.
One day a random stranger commented on my shirt. "What a great name for a business! That's exactly what you help people to do!" He got it, too. 💗
So, there you have it. The story of how "PROSPER" came to be!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." - Jer 29:11
My goal is to help you live out that promise.
💗, Kristen
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