There are 3 areas of the lungs that tend to be the most vulnerable to congestion and stagnation. You may have clues to where your restrictions are!
UPPER LOBES - Most people don’t realize how high up our lungs actually go. They come clear up behind the collarbone and peak just above it. The advice to “not breathe into your chest” & the fact that they narrow to a “point” up there makes it a rare place to fill.
LOWER, BACK RIBS - Most of us don’t realize we even have lung tissue that expands toward the back. The constant pressure of chairs, the advice to belly breathe & keep our backs flat, and the fact that those areas require a maximum inhale to reach makes them quite neglected & stagnant. It is important to note that this is where some studies have found the most incidence of Covid Pneumonia. Likely bc this is where an abundance of ACE-2 receptors are located…
RIGHT LOBES - We are really good at exhaling with the right diaphragm… and not so good at inhaling and filling it. This is because the diaphragm has a dense liver up underneath it, helping it create a dome, as well as a lower tendon attachment to our spine compared to the left. Yep. We are actually set up to breathe differently on our right and left sides. 🤯 Crazy, huh?
A few clues you may have that indicate your breathing is limited in certain areas.
🔎 Chronic Back, Neck, Chest or Side tightness
🔎 One Shoulder Lower than the other
🔎 Flat Back
🔎 Rounded Shoulders
🔎 Forward Head Posture
🔎 Fitness is limited by breathing > muscle fatigue
🔎 Asthma or Chronic Respiratory Infections
As cold & respiratory illness season approaches, it is important to stay ahead of the game. If you are experiencing decreased expansion of any specific area of the lungs, you want to address it BEFORE illness creeps in, as well as in the earliest stages of illness.
Lucky for you, I've developed a video program to guide you through exercises targeting all of these areas.
Noticed any of these clues? Email me for a link to a FREE video from my series that best suits you!
“Take Your Health & Wellness into Your Own Hands”
💗, Kristen
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