Want to Increase Your Chances of Getting Over an Injury for Good?
In preparation for a conversation with a potential Corporate Wellness client, the research revealed 3 common themes. Though they were studies on likelihood of a worker to return to work after an injury, the really do apply to all of us.
I see it all the time, delayed return to sport... to activity... to life after an injury.
And the recurrence of injury or a related injury is all too great.
What these studies found were 3 main factors that significantly influence the speed of recovery & long-term success of a rehab routine.
1) Quick access to "Physiotherapy"
2) Continuous Support from the therapist
3) The Time it Takes to Resolve is < 3months
How often does that actually happen?
Think about it...
❓ How quickly do you typically get into see the Dr... get a referral...and start working with a Physical Therapist or like specialist?
❓When you leave therapy, how easy is it to access your therapist for questions, clarifications, or reinforcement?
❓How long did it take from Day 1 of injury to return to work, sport, or daily activities?
Too bad this type of service doesn't exist in reality🤔
But, wait... it does!
My PT-on-Demand service was created to meet these 3 very things!
Want to learn how it works? Email me for the deets!
"Take Your Musculoskeletal Health into Your Own Hands"
💗, Kristen
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