I've had so many pivotal conversations with my husband about it "being the right time."
❓ Is it the right time to start a family?
❓ Is it the right time to make a career change?
❓ Is it the right time to have ANOTHER baby?
❓ Is it the right time to buy the boat we've dreamed of?
One thing I say is, "If we had waited for the perfect time, my 2nd child wouldn't be here."
Honestly, I can fill in that phrase with any of those events I mentioned! The truth is, it is NEVER the perfect time if you don't let it be. We can always find reasons why it's not the best time to do x, y and z.
Believe me, I get it!
I took my time making a big step in my business. I kept pushing it down the line, telling myself I didn't have the money, time or mental energy to make the leap just yet. I was concerned that it would take me away from what I am already doing. Now just wasn't the right time.
The problem is, this mindset keeps us from greatness. We can't always wait to have a certain amount of money, or a certain amount of time, or certain circumstances...What if those never happen? What if the very thing you are pushing off IS the way you will get those goals to happen?? That's what finally occurred to me!
I finally realized, just like with all those other life decisions, if something is worth having, I need to act BEFORE it's the perfect time. Waiting only put be behind the curve. Imagine how much further along into this new business venture I would be now if I had started as soon as the opportunity arose?
Guess what?! Kids are only getting older. Time is only getting shorter. "One day" is soon going to pass. What if spending money, time or energy now IS the answer to having enough money, time and energy you need?
Considering taking a leap to financial & time freedom? The time is NOW.
Email me or Access a Free Webinar to learn more here: "The New Way To Do Business" online webinar
Live Abundantly.
💗, Kristen
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