When I moved to GA 5 yrs ago, I had a vision of what my job would look like & feel like. I did a few interviews at traditional physical therapy clinics, but I stayed true to my vision. I wanted freedom to focus on high quality time with my patients, not focused on quantity to make money. I told one clinic owner how I wanted to have a full hour of one-on-one sessions with my patients. He chuckled. “Wouldn’t we all… Good luck making money that way!”
So I did. I opened my own practice, seeing clients hourly AND making money.
Freedom in my schedule to focus on my health, & my family while running a thriving business was also my vision. When I brought up this desire to my business partner, he insisted that running a thriving business requires you to be in the office 5+ days a week. “You need to be here daily to make a business work.” So, I flipped that script, too. I now only go into the office 2 days/wk AND create a thriving business.
I created space to keep myself nurtured, focus on my mindset, & connect more. I can take walks with my husband during the day, take random days off with the kids, go shopping with my mom, & even take hours at a time to donate plasma. But, I still see more freedom!
I'm now ready for more FINANCIAL FREEDOM. But, not by working harder. Though I absolutely love it, my soul-aligned PT work is time-consuming & brain-sapping. As free as this new way is for me, I see the limitations. I know I'm meant to bring in even more financial freedom for my family & for others, but I still desire more space to focus on quality time with family & my own health. The answer is not to add a TON of clients.
Instead, I'm adding what will take me to bigger levels of freedom while making a positive impact on the health of myself, my family, my community & the planet... getting highly compensated for it… & living a life I envision.
This opportunity is open for anyone interested in adding another income stream. so that you, too, can have the next level of financial freedom, while improving your health.
Interested? Send me an email to start discussing YOUR vision!
Live Abundantly
💗, Kristen
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