3 PLANES... WORKING IN HARMONY When you have problems with one, you'll compensate with the others. For example, if you are missing strength, stability, balance, mobility or coordination in your ability to shift weight side to side (Frontal Plane), you will call on your Extensors (Sagittal) and/or Rotators (Transverse) to "Pseudo Shift". 🤯 1) Sagittal Plane (Forward & Backward, i.e. Situps) 2) Frontal Plane (Side to Side/Abduction & Adduction, i.e. Jumping Jacks, Side Planks) 3) Transverse Plane (Rotation, i.e. Russian Twist) All natural human movements require at least 2 of these planes to work together. Not all movements are grand and obvious... often it's quite subtle and acts as stability ... but man, are they important and overlooked. When they all work in harmony, we are fine-tuned athletes. However, the Sagittal Plane is quite dominant. When we don't have good control of the other 2 planes, we use the Sagittal plane to compensate... mak...